This module generates ensembles of rigid-body arrangements. Sequence of commands is irrelevant.
Features are demonstrated in example demo_Rigi.mcx
, which uses module Prepare
to generate a rigid-body
template from a structure downloaded from the PDB server. Bare templates can also be prepared from AlphaFold predictions downloaded
from the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database by UniProt identifier with the Rigi
keyword in ExperimentDesign
The following keywords are supported:
Definition of distance distribution restraints. This is a block key with lines for
ddr label_1 [label_2]
'address_1' 'address_2' 'rmean' 'rstd' [@'fname']
- Arguments
- label types, e.g.,
addresses of the two labelled sites, e.g.,,
mean distance in Angstroem, e.g.rstd
standard deviation in Angstroem, e.g.fname
file name of the distance distribution
- Remarks
if both labels are the same, it is sufficient to specify the label type once
use separate ‘ddr’ blocks for each label combination
the file name is optional, full distributions are not currently used
Specifies the maximum size (extension) of a rigid-body arrangement
maxsize size
- Arguments
- maximum distance between reference points in a rigid-body arrangement, defaults to 180 Angstroem
Maximum run time in hours.
maxtime t
- Arguments
- approximate maximum run time allowed for Rigi
- Remarks
computation can take somewhat longer, because runtime ist tested only after execution of full parallel blocks (10,000 trials)
if Rigi is interrupted by timeout, sampling is not exhaustive
for production runs, reduce maxtrials until you can complete the exhaustive sampling in a reasonable time
default is 48 h
Maximum number of trials in exhaustive search.
maxtrials T
- Arguments
- maximum number of trials, determines, how long an exhaustive search takes
- Remarks
this must be specified, start with 10,000 if you are not sure and see how long it takes
actual number of trials is a product of integer digital resolutions for all core restraints and may be smaller
the larger
, the better the resolution of the exhaustive searchcomputation time is linear in actual number of parallel blocks (ceiling of number of trials divide by 10000)
Maximum number of rigid-body arrangements in output.
models M
- Arguments
- maximum number of models that are returned
- Remarks
if exhaustive sampling yields less models, this setting has no effect
if exhaustive sampling yields more models, the solutions are hierarchically clustered to
modelsuse this, if Rigi returns too many models for further processing
the default is 20,000
depending on memory size, clustering of a large number of models may fail, set
so that no more than 50000 trials are successful
Nucleotide link. This is a block key with lines for
'address_1' 'address_2' 'nucleotides' 'length'
- Arguments
addresses of the two anchor nucleotides, e.g.,,
linker segments, number of missing nucleotides + 1length
maximum length in Angstroem, up to 6*nucleotides
- Remarks
the anchor nucleotides must exist in rigid bodies
slightly shorter lengths, e.g. 16 instead of 18 for two missing nucleotides, improve success rate of FlexRNA, but may miss solutions with strongly extended RNA
Specifies number of trials in a parallel block
parallel ptrials
- Arguments
- number of trials performed in parallel, defaults to 10,000
- Remarks
change from default only if you have a very good reason
Peptide link. This is a block key with lines for
'address_1' 'address_2' 'residues' 'length'
- Arguments
addresses of the two anchor residues, e.g.,,
linker segments, number of missing residues + 1length
maximum length in Angstroem, up to 3.8*residues
- Remarks
the anchor residues must exist in rigid bodies
slightly shorter lengths improve success rate of Flex, but risk missing conformers with strongly extended peptide linkers
Specifies the probability covered by the RBA ensemble
probability p
- Arguments
- number between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.5
- Remarks
change from default only if you have a very good reason
Input of a rigid-body template file.
rbtemplate file
- Arguments
- PDB file name, must include extension, otherwise download from the PDB server is attempted
- Remarks
the command
is synonymous withrbtemplate
you can use the
command in module Prepare to generate a rigid-body template file
Sets a resolution limit for the exhaustive search of RBA arrangement space
resolution res
- Arguments
- resolution in Angstroem, defaults to 3 Angstroem
- Remarks
actual resolution can be larger, but not smaller
do not change from default, if you are not sure
Definition of rigid bodies. This is a block key with lines for
rigid bodies.
rigid chain_1 [chain_2 ...]
'address_1' 'label_1'
'address_2' 'label_2'
'address_3' 'label_3'
- Arguments
, … - chains belonging to this rigid body, exampleaddress_1
address of the first reference point, e.g.,label_1
label type for the first reference point, e.g.
- Remarks
use exactly three reference points
at least one chain and as many chains as needed can belong to one rigid body
reference point addresses mus be in one of the chains that belong to the rigid body
you can define as many rigid bodies as you need, but computational effort increases exponentially
there must be at least two rigid bodies
Specifies name for saving the output in MMMx:rigid_body format.
save fname
- Arguments
- file name for output, extension.mat
is appended if none
- Remarks
if not present, output is automatically saved to
this is particularly convenient if you want to run Flex afterwards with several different restraint sets
Specifies basis name for saving individual rigid-body arrangements to PDB files
savepdb bname
- Arguments
- basis file name for PDB files,_rba_%i.pdb
is appended, where%i
denotes the number of the RBA
- Remarks
if not present, no individual PDB files are saved
separate off
Turn off automatic separation of rigid bodies in the template file.
- Arguments
separate off
is the only syntax that has an influence
- Remarks
do this only if the rigid bodies are already well separated in the template
if you wish to superimpose the ensemble onto a template, this is better done in module EnsembleAnalysis
Superimpose all rigid-body arrangements at one rigid body.
superimpose rigid_body
- Arguments
- number of the rigid body at which arrangments are superimposed
- Remarks
the number corresponds to the sequence of
blocks in the control file
Specifies the percentage of crosslink restraints that must be fulfilled for an RBA to be accepted
xl_percentage p
- Arguments
- number between 0 and 100, defaults to 30%
- Remarks
there is little experience what is appropriate for flexible systems
the key has no effect if no crosslinks are specified
Crosslink. This is a block key with lines for
'address_1' 'address_2' 'distance'
- Arguments
addresses of the two crosslinked residuesdistance
maximum distance between CA atoms for the crosslink deemed to be possible
- Remarks
the crosslinked residues must exist in rigid bodies
only a certain percentage of crosslinks needs to be fulfilled for the RBA to be valid, default is 30%
use ‘xlink_percentage’ to set this percentage
this feature is not well tested
it is hard to predict which percentage of crosslinks should be fulfilled in any given arrangement
it may be better to use cross-link restraints for validation of the final ensemble model